Estate Administration Outsourcing
Why outsource your Estate Administration?
Most charities do not have the legal and financial expertise in-house to maximise revenue from deceased estates. Gifts in Wills team members are usually very skilled at building relationships with living supporters – to set up the bequest program, identify and meet with good prospects, and inspire them to make that all-important commitment to put your charity in their wills.
But does your charity have an efficient procedure and expertise for when you are notified that a Gifts in Wills supporter has passed away?
How to obtain and understand estate documents?
How to minimise estate tax and other fees to get the most value from the bequest?
How to work with uncooperative solicitors or trustees?
Bequest Assist takes all the hassle out of managing your estates when a bequest is realised. We free up days of your time so you can focus on your core job – helping supporters discover the joy of leaving a legacy and making an ongoing difference after their lifetime.
Benefits and features of Bequest Assist Outsourcing
Time Saved – Days a week returned to you that can be redirected to supporter relations.
Estate Income Maximised – Extra hundreds of thousands through applying legal and financial expertise (for example by minimising taxes, excess commissions and fees).
Accurate Forecasting – Know when and how much money is coming in from your Gifts in Wills program through our forecasting.
Faster Resolution – Why wait months or years longer than required to receive the gifts your supporters wanted your cause to have? We resolve estates quickly through proactive management.
Data to help with acquisition – Access to a dashboard with a complete picture of the bequests you have received, helping to inform future bequest acquisition.
Expert Advice – Advice on complex estate issues – for example, management of trusts, relationships with trustees, life interests and share transfers
Over $3 Million in unfulfilled bequests has been paid out to charities with Bequest Assist’s services. This is income charities would have missed out on or not received for years.
I’m no longer receiving 10 lawyers’ emails every day... having that taken away from me is just amazing! I’m a fundraiser. My specialty is communicating with supporters, inspiring them to leave a Gift in Will, not lawyers and executors!
- Alexis Escavy, Greenpeace
The Process - How we do what we do
Charities routinely encounter problems in estate administration due to lack of a consistent process, lack of communication and lack of action on the part of executors/solicitors. The Bequest Assist Estate Management System along with our expertise allows us to manage estates from notification to forecasting to closure, efficiently and professionally.
This works by:
The charity receiving notification of a bequest and passing the details on to Bequest Assist.
Bequest Assist handling all estate administration, returning to the charity if any issues arise and utilising an operating procedure agreed with the charity in advance. We actively look for opportunities to speed things up or maximise estate revenue.
Complete visibility for the charity throughout the administration process with a login to our Estate Management System.
Bequest Assist reports monthly on progress and expected payments, helping charities to know when funds are forecast.
The bequest is paid to the charity directly and Bequest Assist closes the matter.
About our estate management system
Yes, you can maintain one data source with an interface to the Bequest Assist System if required.
Yes, your data is secure through the use of powerful, purpose-built software.
Yes, your private data is kept separate from every other charity that uses the service.
Yes, you can trust our experts and staff who are carefully selected, trained and adhere to privacy protocols.
Work with Bequest Assist
When you work with Bequest Assist, you’re making the best choice to ensure your supporters’ wills and wishes are fulfilled.
Contact the Bequest Assist team to discuss how we can help take Estate Administration off your hands.